
About Me

I'm an Art Director, Graphic Designer and Illustrator. Originally from Brunei Darussalam, I spent my formative years in Perth, Western Australia. I've also lived in London for six years, enjoying work and the opportunity to travel around that part of the world. Currently, I am based in Melbourne and continue to strive to hone my skills as a designer at a studio in Collingwood.

I received my first degree after three years of Architecture at university and decided to move on to Multimedia Design so that I could focus on illustration, animation and design in general. My search for design experience was what led me to London where I worked for the brand design agency, Mystery for almost six years. As a Senior Brand Designer for both large and niche brands, I worked on branding and design across a wide range of sectors.

I have an insatiable appetite for music and you can always find me right up the front at gigs, with camera in hand. Other things I love are languages, travel, film, animation, lifting heavy stuff, open-minded people, pop culture and coffee.

You can find a detailed version of my CV on LinkedIn. Alternatively, please contact me if you have any questions. Thanks!